Cookie policy
	This Cookie Policy applies to all websites belonging to P.P.H.U. ELCRO .:
By using our websites, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy.
If you do not agree to our use of "cookies", you should change your browser settings to the appropriate one way or opt out of using 
P.P.H.U. ELCRO. What are cookies? Cookies are files saved by web servers on the user's computer that websites can use each time the user visits. Cookies are IT data (small text information), which are stored on the user's end device. Cookies usually contain the name of the website domain, which they come from, lifetime (storage time on the user's hard drive) and a unique number. What are cookies used for? Cookies provide statistical data on user traffic and their use of individual pages of our website. They help to adjust the website preferences to the individual needs of the user. They also save the assignment website user. How long are cookies stored? Cookies remain in your browser as long as their lifetime is set or until you delete them. Managing cookies. The user may at any time choose the method of handling "cookies" in the web browser settings by overriding automatic handling of "cookies"
for individual service (user settings). Detailed information in this regard are provided by the web browser program providers, usually in
the "internet options" or similar tab. However, an exclusion by the user in his browser, the option of accepting "cookies" (blocking,
prompting) may cause difficulties or even prevent the use of certain services of our website. How to disable cookies? Many websites save on your computer, and more precisely in the clipboard of a specific browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer,
Chrome and others) on your user account of the computer or phone on which you connect to the Network, the so-called cookies. Usually cookies are very useful. Thanks to them, your individual settings are remembered and thanks to them you can log into your e-mail.
Thanks to them, the authors of websites know how many users visit them and what exactly they read and what they do from afar. Information collected using cookies may also be used to collect information about you for commercial purposes. For example, if you visit
book pages often, you will see more bookstore ads. Fortunately, if you believe the presence of cookie violates your privacy,
you can disable them at any time either for a specific site or for all connections from your browser. In the Mozilla Firefox browser In the "Tools" menu, select "Options" and the "Privacy" tab in them. The browser gives you the option to indicate that you don't
want to be not tracked at all or the deletion of individual cookies of individual sites. In Microsoft Internet Explorer In the "Tools" menu, select "Internet Options" and the "Privacy" tab in them. You can adjust the overall slider with a special
slider privacy level or use the "Sites" button to manage the settings of individual websites. In the Google Chrome browser In the menu hidden under three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the browser, select "Tools" and then
"Clear data browsing ... ". In addition to being able to clear cookies, there is a" More info "link that leads to a detailed description of
the browser's privacy features. In the Opera browser Use the "Opera" button in the upper left corner to open the menu and select "Settings" and then "Clear browsing history ...". In addition to the option to delete already set cookies, there is also a "Manage cookies ..." button leading to more advanced options
for individual sites. In the Apple Safari browser In the "Safari" menu, select "Preferences" and in them the "Privacy" tab. There you will find numerous options regarding cookies.
In mobile phones, tablets and other mobile devices. Each phone model may support this function in a different way. Therefore,
we encourage you to read the privacy options in documentation on the website of the manufacturer of your mobile device.